what do we think

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Baby Registering 101

Ok, ok, I admit to following prey of my own romantic expectations, walking hand-in-hand with Brian down endless isles of baby store wonder ooing and ahhing as we select organic bamboo onesies and miniature booties for our newborn.

And now a reality check...from my own life script:

ALISSA: hey look honey reusable, good for the environment, eco nursing pads...
BRIAN: ummm, (blank stare) do they have disposables?

I've learned, as most seasoned parents already know, that the baby industry is...well booming. And as more infant retailers convince newbie parents what and what more to buy, one can't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. Now, I'm not saying the whole thing was terrible,but I am looking at this experience now with open eyeballs.

Who would have thought there'd be so many options? How is one suppose to know the difference between a Baby Genie, and a Baby Genie Elite, without cashing in that life saving phone-a-friend call in store?...(Thanks Fitzy for setting us straight)

and so the shopping continues...plastic or glass bottles...huh PBA free? What's with this Bugaboo stroller anyways? Does breast milk need to be warmed, seems more refreshing cold...doesn't the dishwasher sterilize enough already? Do Baby Einstein toys make the kid smarter? nontoxic mattress pads...shoot what's in the other ones? $350 for a breast pump...it better come with a new pair of heels.

And as I watched, both in horror and amusement,the young 16 year-old-something store clerk unsuccessfully attempt to demonstrate the one-hand-collapse ease feature of the hot stroller to buy, I realized...although not exactly what I had imagined, our baby dreams are playing out in reality, and that is what makes the whole experience unforgettable and amazing!

now registered at Babies R Us in Canada, and Target is the States...links to the right of page

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