what do we think

Monday, October 6, 2008

little one inside

The first time Brian and I were able to see the baby was an awesome experience. We went for our first ultrasound pictures at 18.5 weeks into the pregnancy. 4 large cups of water 2 hours before our appointment and I was more than ready to see the little one for the first time. A bit of nervous energy and overwhelming excitement as the technician turned on the machine and pressed the probe against my belly to reveal baby. Without being aware of any of the baby's movements prior to our appointment, we were surprised to see our lil' one kicking and bouncing all over the place. I've decided baby must have daddy's energy, because if he or she takes after mommy, he or she would still be sleeping...our appointment was 8:30am. 10 fingers 10 toes, and a healthy growing baby. Due date is now Feb. 28th which seems right around the corner. We cant wait!


jonestah said...

Alissa and Brian, I read this with tears in my eyes. I am so happy for the two of you! Alissa, it seems like just yesterday that we were two dorky teenagers dreaming of these chapters in our lives...now they are here! Can you even believe it, because I can't. Now I just need to get pregers this year and we will be tied! haha...just kidding...no we are NOT trying! I love you and again...I am so happy for you! Love, your bestest friend in the whole wide world!!!! xoxo

jonestah said...

okay...could you next post a pic of your cute little belly? I am waiting!

Kelly Shaw said...

pure goodness - you guys will be fantastic parents - your child is blessed.
I love the blog idea - keep the news coming.

Ben Lanteigne said...

Bri and Alissa! I looked at all of your wedding photos and I must say, they were great. nice call getting a professional photographer, the last weeding I was at the bride and groom left it up to attendees, but I'm convinced when I get married, Ill do what you two did. It was great to see you two so happy together. you make an incredibly cute couple! Brian, I know now that my girlfriend loves me because she looks at me like Alissa looks at you...when im next in calgary maybe I can stop in for a visit... Cheers and congrats... Benmate.