what do we think

Monday, March 30, 2009


YAY!!! Our son, Costello James Hansen was born March 5th, 5:08pm. As you can see, I've been a tad busy keeping up with a newborn, so much so this blog entry is over 3 weeks late. Costello ended up being 5 days past due, but when he was ready to enter this world, he came quick, (with a little help from modern medicine aka inducement) I only had to face 4 hours of labor. And thank god, as those 4 hours were intense!
Brian and I are in the process of learning all about being new parents. A steady routine of eating, changing diapers, and sleeping in short intervals here and there is keeping us on our toes, (and half asleep)
Costello couldn't be doing better. He's a great baby, very healthy, and beautiful. His personality is already shining through. We can't wait for everyone to meet our lil' guy.
Thanks to all who followed this blog and offered support, advice, and love during my maternity. This life-changing experience is one which can not be summed up in words. We feel deeply blessed.
Now, just because our baby is here doesn't mean the blogs have to stop...Be sure to stay connected with Costello on his very own blog, http://costellosworld.blogspot.com/and watch him as he experiences life and all its unknowns.

Signing off our last entry
with love
Alissa, Brian, and Costello