what do we think

Monday, December 22, 2008

expecting a Very Merry Christmas for all

Brian and I leave tomorrow for Michigan to visit family and friends. We are really looking forward to seeing everyone, and for those whom we will miss this holiday season... have a wonderful Christmas!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

to do's

Pretty busy week underway. Tomorrow is a routine visit to the doc's along with some follow up standard lab work. I always look forward to these because I get to hear the heartbeat. "Routine" weight check, that's another story. Thursday is our first baby lamaze class, which should be interesting. I'll be sure to update all with that lil' adventure.

Monday, December 1, 2008

dear santa please bring us a...

An advantage to both Brian and I working in creative environments, we have great friends with super duper talents. One being Philippe who works with me at Critical Mass and has a fantastic eye for catching lasting moments behind the camera lens. We can't thank you enough! Our belly gallery is now posted, to view click here.

The luxury of having this done at our house led to a natural vibe. We wanted to avoid the whole, place hands here, arch back there, fold shirt here, lean forward, backward, tilt chin up, look here, hold breath, etc. environment. My only direction, make the belly look big and cute, while everything else stays "reasonably" small. Counter intuitive as it may seem to show off an ever growing belly, outtie and all, we couldn't be happier with the way these turned out. Plus one more excuse to upgrade to an eggnog latte, tis the season...why not!